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The best in Locally Grown & Sourced FoodsTriple B Farms:The best in Locally Grown & Sourced Foods

823 Berry Lane, Monongahela, PA  |  724.258.3557

Book Your Party!

Bring your Birthday to Triple B

Acres of  Birthday Memories to be made! Triple B Birthday Party is the perfect way to treat everyone to an amazing celebration and outdoor play opportunities that will delight all your participants…most especially the guest of honour.

1.5 hours in Birthday Barn...$150

 Bring your own food, cake & decorations. 

You can decorate 10 minutes prior to start time.


Pop’s Farmyard Wristbands...$7/person

Play Area open until 4pm and you are welcome to play until close.

2 adults minimum must accomapny children for the saftey of your party guests.

Birthdays are available for booking: 

Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays

from June 9th -September 5th

2 time slots per day:

11am-1:30pm  or  2-3:30pm

Book Your Party!

Just 15 miles from downtown Pittsburgh, Triple B Farms has welcomed families and guests to their farmstead since 1985. Enjoy fresh country air and inspiring natural fun, while you explore and shop for local professionally-grown fruits and vegetables, fresh baked goods, home made fudge, and gift baskets. Pop’s Farmyard is perfect for family memories – animals, learning and acres of fun. Worth the Drive since 1985!